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Assessing & Treating Maternal Depression Through Pregnancy & Postpartum$0

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Are You Ready To Dive Into The Research On How To Identify And Treat Maternal Depression In Pregnancy And Postpartum?

Workshop Details:

Live (Virtual) Workshop runs Friday, January 20, 2023, 10:00 am -2:00 pm EST

*Recorded if unable to attend live. Please review the access timeline below. 

What we will cover:

When and how to assess perinatal mood.

How to identify and mitigate risk factors for perinatal mood disorders.

What lab work to run on pregnant and postpartum patients who are at risk or who have a mood disorder.

Access to Workshop Resources and Recorded Content:

Access to recorded content, workshop page and supporting resources until January 31st, 2023 for non-TCC members

TCC Members have unlimited access through their membership.
